from 1977 to 1985, Part One. by cfh@provide.net, 05/02/09. Copyright 1999-2009, all rights reserved.
Internet Availability of this Document.
IMPORTANT: Before Starting! If you aren't up to repairing pinball circuit boards yourself or need pinball parts or just want to buy a restored game, I recommend seeing the suggested parts & repair sources web page. Table of Contents
2. Before Turning the Game On:
Bibliography and Credit Where Credit is Due.
1a. Getting Started: Experience, Schematics, Manuals.
Little experience in fixing pinballs is assumed. Basic electrical knowledge is helpful, but not necessary. I do assume you can solder and use the basic features of a Digital Multi-Meter (DMM) such as measuring voltage and resistance. Please see http://marvin3m.com/begin for details on the basic electronics skills and tools needed. This document should help repair a first (or second, or third) Bally pinball.
Schematics and Manuals. Some Bally schematics and manuals are available online too. These are all in PDF format, which means Adobe Acrobat 3.0 (or for some files 4.0) is needed to view them. Most of the below files are from GameArchive.com. |
1b. Getting Started: Necessary Tools
Non-Specialized Tools Required:
Specialized Tools Required: Cleaning "Tools" Required:
1c. Getting Started: Parts to Have On-Hand
Parts to have: Transistors, diodes, bridge rectifiers and other electronic parts are available from many sources. Please check out the parts and repair sources web page for details.
1d. Getting Started: Game List
The 6802 board as used in some Fireball Classic and Cybernaut games looks nearly identical to the -35 MPU board. The LED flash sequences for the -35 and 6802 boards are identical, and the 6802 MPU board runs standard -35 ROM code. Differences between the 6802 and -35 MPU boards include:
Why Are Stern's Electronic Guts Essentially the Same as Bally's? The reason why the Stern boards (1977-1982) were interchangeable with Bally was that URL 'reverse engineered' (copied) the Bally system. Litigation ensued, resulting in Stern paying a royalty to Bally for each game sold. Later Stern made some slight changes to the MPU board (to increase the amount of RAM and ROM). Interestingly, when Gary Stern started DataEast in 1987, he did the same thing to Williams and copied their current "system11" boardset. The same result happened (lititgation), where DataEast ended up paying Williams a royalty for each game sold. The other story is that Bally somewhat looked the other way when Stern copied their board system. The reason for this was simple: Bally wanted their pinball board system to be "the one", opposed to what Williams was doing. This way if a number of manufacturers used the "Bally solidstate system", it would become the "standard" and Bally would have the upper-hand over Williams. Pretty smart thinking really.
1e. Getting Started: Lubrication Notes
The only parts that will require any lubrication are metal-to-metal moving parts. There aren't very many in a game. Only ball eject and slingshot hinges. 3-in-1 oil also works on these if needed. But try and keep that lubrication in the tool box and away from the game. If some prior person did lubricate the game, the lubrication has probably now congealed with the infamous "black pinball dust" to form a thick, black mess. This is unrepairable on coil sleeves, and new parts will need to be installed. 1f. Getting Started: The Circuit Boards
1g. Getting Started: Voltage Test Points on the Boards and the Power Train.
Power Transformer Module (Rectifier board):
The 5/12 Volt Power Train in Detail. Go to the rectifier board and check for voltage there. The following info applies mostly to games prior to Xenon (where the power supply is in the backbox). But it can be applied to the later games, especially when testing the 12 volt and 5 volt DC circuits of the solenoid driver and MPU boards. Different wire colors may be used in newer games, but the test points (TP) and voltage readings are the same. Check rectifier board TP3 for 12 volts. If missing, check the fuse F3. Remove the 4 amp slo-blow and buzz it out with a DMM. Check the fuse clips for damage or burns, as this is very common. If still no 12 volts DC at TP3, check E11/E12 test points on the rectifier board. These are the two AC inputs and should read about 12 volts AC with your DMM connectors to both E11 and E12. If no voltage check the wiring to the transformer or the transformer itself. If the 12 volts AC is present at E11 and E12, then the bridge rectifier BR2 is open. If fuse F3 blows immediately at power-on, then the bridge rectifier BR2 is shorted. Part of the bridge could be not working causing only half wave rectification of the AC voltage, but the voltage will still be 12 to 13.5 volts (just the +5 volt circuit on the solenoid driver board will struggle to make a clean 5 volts, and this will cause problems like the game reseting occasionally or locking-up.) If there is 12 volts DC at TP3 on the rectifier board but no 12 volts on the MPU board at TP2, likely it is just one wire causing the problem. Check J3 pin 8 (orange wire) of the rectifier board, as it may be burnt. It is a good idea to replace this connector pin as it handles the 12 volts distribution and is often burnt. Next the orange wire goes to the solenoid driver board connector J3 pin 12. It makes a U-turn and heads back out J3 pin 11 and goes to the MPU board (this is why there is often a jumper between the solenoid driver board TP1 and TP3, to make sure this U-turn does not get cut). At the Solenoid Driver, the 12 volts DC heads also heads to the 5 volt regulator going through the big capacitor C23 (this smooths out the raw 12 volts DC, and usually needs to be replaced for reliability). Often there is a problem with the negative side of cap C23 that causes problems. The negative side of this cap goes back to the Power Supply in a separate wire, independent of other ground circuits. Even though all grounds end up at the same spot, this independent wire helps limit line noise. It also can lead to some weird problems like shutting down the MPU or causing massive resets. This single white/brown return wire goes from the solenoid driver from J3 pin 10 to the rectifier board J3 pin 17. Note that these pin numbers at the rectifier board may not the same the game you are working on. The grouping of the pins at rectifier board connector J3 are often swapped around between pins 1-4 and pins 14-20. These are all ground returns and over the years perhaps the wires were moved. Keep this in mind. The point is if this ground return wire from the solenoid driver board capacitor C23 to the rectifier board gets cut, it will shut down the 5 volt regulator and the MPU. The fastest way to do a check is to jump the left (negative) side of the cap C23 to any ground in the backbox. If the game comes up, you have found a problem with the white/brown wire. You should now have +5 (TP1) and +12 (TP2) volts DC at the MPU board, and can start diagnosing the MPU LED board flash codes.
5/12 Low Voltage Summary. Or there may be a failing/bad C23 filter capacitor on the solenoid board, which is very common for a 25 year old game (capacitor C23 must be replaced for reliability). I recently fixed a Kiss game where the Rectifier board's TP3 was 10 volts DC (too low, should be 13 volts DC). If I put the rectifier board/transformer in another game and it worked fine. Turns out the C23 solenoid driver board cap was completely dead, as there was 4 volts of AC voltage across the cap's leads! Replacing the filter cap brought the Rectifier board's TP3 up to 14 volts DC. If the Solenoid Driver board's TP5 is 13 to 16.5 volts but Solenoid Driver board TP1 is lower than 5.0 volts, power off and disconnect J4 from MPU board, remove all the Lamp board connectors, and remove all the Auxiliary Lamp board connectors. Power the game on and re-check Solenoid Driver board TP1. If it is now 5.0 to 5.2 volts, the MPU or Lamp Driver boards are consuming enough current to pull the 5 volts low. This is often a bad Q20 voltage regulator on the Solenoid Driver board. Or there is a problem on the MPU/Lamp driver boards. Reconnect the MPU board first and check the +5 volts, followed by the Lamp Driver and then the Auxiliary Lamp driver boards. This may isolate which board is being the power hog and having a problem.
Doing Something Stupid with a DMM, 5 volts, and 43 volts. Which brings me to the "stupid" part. On the CPU board at the J4 connector, pin 15 is +43 volts (for reference, the key is pin 14 and pin 12 is +12 volts). Then right next to the 43 volts at is +5 volts at pins 16,17 (followed by ground at pins 18,19). Here's the thing to watch for and the advice I suggest you follow. Do not test for 5 volts at the J4 connector! Because 43 volts is so close to the 5 volt pins, if these pins get crossed with say the probe of a multimeter, you will be hating life. If this happens, *every* chip on the CPU board will fry. Also probably the 74154 chip on the SDB. And the 4543 CMOS chip on the score display boards will also usually fry too. As for the sound board, if it takes +5 volts as an input (some revisions do, some don't), then it too will be sacrificed by the extra voltage. The lamp driver board will usually survive though. So the moral of the story is to be very careful around the J4 CPU board connector.
Test Points.
MPU board: Solenoid Driver/Voltage Regulator board: Lamp Driver board: Auxiliary Lamp Driver board: Display Driver boards:
1h. Getting Started: Fuse Values/Usage and Power Supply Power Distribution.
Rectifier Board and Under-Playfield Fuses.
Connector Numbers and Explaination.
On pre-Xenon games the Rectifier board is soldered directly to the transformer via wires (there is no connector to remove the rectifier board from the transformer). Sometimes these wires break, so here's the pinout. Note the transformer lugs are numbered 1 to 18. And the rectifier board solder points are number E1 to E12. The wire gauge is also included because some colors are reused on the transformer (16 gauge is thicker than 18 gauge). Also there may be a reason to suspect a bad transformer (frankly I have never seen this problem, but I suppose it could happen). Using the Transformer lug numbers or the Rectifier board's "E" test points documented below, the AC voltage coming from the transformer can be measured. Remember these are AC voltages; there is NO ground reference. So the meter must be connected to *both* transformer lugs or E points and the meter set to AC volts. If you want to measure the output DC voltages on the Rectifier board's Test Points TP1-TP3 and TP5, then a ground reference is used (and the meter set to DC volts). The transformer outputs 7.8 volts AC (CPU controlled lights), 12 volts AC (+5/12 volt board power), 7.3 volts AC (general illumination), 49 volts AC (coil power), and 180 volts AC (score displays). All these voltage except the 7.3 volts AC (general illumination) will get converted to DC voltage by the rectifier board. All AC voltages documented below show a pair of lugs (again, because there is no 'ground' for AC voltages). Transformer Top/Back lugs: Transformer Top/Front lugs: Transformer Bottom/Front lugs:
2a. Before Turning the Game On: Check the Coil Resistance.
Any coil that has locked on (usually due to a short solenoid driver board transistor) will heat up and have a lower total resistance. This happens because the painted enamel insulation on the coil's wire burns, causing the windings to short against each other. This will lower the coil's resistance, causing the coil to get even hotter. Within a minute or so the coil becomes a dead short, and usually blows a fuse. If the solenoid driver board (SDB) transistor is repaired, and the game is powered on with a dead-shorted coil, this will blow the SDB's same transistor again when the coil is fired by the game for the first time! There is no sense making more work for yourself. So take 60 seconds and check all the coils' resistance BEFORE powering the game on for the first time! In order to check coil resistance, put your DMM on its lowest resistance setting. Then put the DMM's red and black leads on each coil's lugs. A resistance of 2.5 ohms or greater should be seen. Anything less than 2.5 ohms, and the coil and/or driving transistor may be bad. Now remove the wire from one of the lugs of the coil, and test the coil again. If the resistance is still the same (low), the coil or diode is bad (and also perhaps the driving transistor). If the resistance is higher than 2.5 ohms, the coil is good but the solenoid driver board transistor is shorted and will need to be replaced. Lastly, the coil's 1N4004 diode could be shorted too, giving a false low coil resistance. Cut one diode leg from a coil lug and retest the coil's ohms. When replacing a coil with a new one, and make sure there is a 1N4004 diode installed across the coil's lugs. Remember when reconnecting the wires to the coi that the power wire (usually two wires or thicker wires) goes to the coil's lug with the BANDED side of the diode attached. The thinner wire is the coil's return path to ground via the SDB.
2b. Before Turning the Game On: Removing the MPU Battery and Fixing Corrosion.
Corrosion DANGER Warning.
Can This Corroded MPU be Fixed?
The Repair Connection has a very nice web page dedicated to fixing battery corrosion. They explain the pitfalls, and the common mistakes made when attempting this repair. Check it out at http://www.repairconnection.com/acid_damaged_mpu.htm as this is an excellent document. He often uses bead blasting for corrosion - see the note about bead blasting below.
New Replacement MPU boards.
Can a Small Amount of Corrosion be Bad?
A bead blaster is mearly a sandblaster, but instead of shooting sand, it shoots small ceramic beads. This is much gentler than sand. To bead blast a board, all the corroded electronic components should first be removed that are in the effected area. Then the board can be bead blasted (after bead blasting, the board should still be neutralized with vinegar, as discussed below). Finally, new components are installed to replace the old ones. Some people claim bead blasting is not a good way to remove corrosion, as it "embeds" the corrosion deep into the pores of the circuit board, making it impossible to remove at a chemical level. This may be true, but many commercial board repair establishments use this technique to remove corrosion (probably because corrosion can be removed quickly, with a very professional "look", using bead blasting). Most individuals don't have the means to bead blast, so it's not worth arguing this point here. But please keep this in mind.
Buy a Bally Reset Section Repair Kit.
Removing the old battery and fixing corrosion. Removing and Replacing Corroded Components. Step 1: Pry up the old socket base. If a black "open frame" socket (you can see the circuit board thru the socket frame), it will come right off easily, leaving the solder-in socket pins in the board. The brown or black closed frame sockets (Augat or other brands) will not pry up (don't even try, as these sockets will ALL need to be replaced); skip right to step number three. On the black open frame sockets be careful not to damage any traces while prying with the screwdriver tip! Once the socket base is pried up, examine the socket pins for any grey/green corrosion. If the socket pins are clean and undamaged, press the socket base back onto the pins.
Step 4: Examine the connector header pins for corrosion. Pry up the header pin's plastic base on the component side of the board to see underneath it, and around the pins. If any corrosion is found, remove the header pins so the corrosion can be removed. Especially important is the J4 (power!) connector. But any corrosion on the MPU board connectors can cause adjacent connector pins to short together. Step 5: Examine the DIP switches for corrosion. Any corrosion around the DIP switches can cause these switches to short together, giving all kinds of strange switch matrix problems.
Step 8: After the board is dry, sand the corroded area again with 150 grit sandpaper. Step 9: Replace any damaged traces on the board. For large (thick) traces (like the ground rail surrounding the outside of the board), use desoldering braid. For small traces, use wire wrap wire. For medium traces, use stranded 24 guage wire. Use rosin soldering flux (Radio Shack) to help solder stick to copper. Step 10: Install machine pin strip sockets, or some other high quality socket with an OPEN base (so the traces can be seen under the socket!). Strip sockets are the best because they allow complete access to the traces around the socket. HIGHLY SUGGESTED: solder the machine pin sockets from the top of the board too (cheap sockets will not allow this). Often the plated through circuit board holes are damaged, and the only connection between the traces on the top and bottom of the board is the socket's pins. Use rosin solder flux (Radio Shack) on bare copper to get the solder to stick better.
Often damaged copper traces are difficult to solder. Even after sanding the traces to a bright copper color, sometimes solder will not stick easily to the traces. To help with soldering, here are few tips:
New Battery
If one insists on having a battery (can't live without those high scores!), I would recommend installing a memory back-up capacitor instead. These capacitors will charge when the game is on, and slowly discharge to keep the memory alive when the game is off. The advantage to these capacitors is they never wear out, and they won't leak corrosive materials. The best of all worlds in my opinion. Their down side is the game must be on for about one hour every month to maintain their charge (though I have heard them keeping a charge up to six months). Also, the game must be on for several hours continuously to initially charge the capacitor. These capacitors are about the size of half a single AA battery. Jameco (800-831-4242) sells 1 Farad memory caps, part# 142957, $3.95 each, $3.49 for ten or more.
Installing the Memory Back-Up Capacitor. If the memory cap does not stay charged and keep scores for say a month, there are a couple things to check. First is make sure power is not getting past 1n4148 blocking diode CR5 (that is, the memory cap is only powering the 5101 RAM and not the entire board.) With the game off there should only be DC voltage on one side of this diode, not both sides. Also check the resistance of R12 (270 ohms). If this resistor goes open or is too high of a value, the memory cap will never charge. And finally the brand and type of 5101 will affect how long the game 'remembers' (for example the PCD5101P RAM works well with a memory cap).
With the new battery pack or capacitor (charged) installed and the game OFF, check the U8 5101 RAM at pin 22 for 4 to 4.6 volts (use ground for the black lead of the DMM, and U8 pin 22 for the red lead). If there is no voltage, there is a problem with the backup cap or remote battery holder, or with the traces going from the original battery solder pad to the 5101 RAM (very common since it's in the 'corrosion zone'.) 2c. Before Turning the Game On: Rebuilding the Power Supply - Blown Fuses and What Causes Them
There are three different version of the Bally electronic rectifier board. The most common is AS2518-18 (which is identical to the rectifier board used in Stern games too). This is the most troublesome design, and will require some upgrades. The least common is AS2518-49, and was only used on Kiss, Future Spa, and Space Invaders. This rectifier board also will need some upgrades. The AS2518-54 rectifier board as used in Xenon (10/80) and later is quite good, and requires no upgrades (other than possibly replacing header pins, if tarnished).
First Check the Test Points.
If fuse F2 is blown and no high voltage at TP2, almost for certain one of the four 1N4004 diodes next to fuse F1 are shorted. Use a DMM set to the diode function and test the diodes. In one direction .4 to .6 volts should be seen, reverse the leads and null voltage should be seen. If fuse F3 is blow, suspect bridge BR2 as shorted. If fuse F5 (TP4) is blown there is a short in the general illumination circuit. If fuse F4 is blown, suspect bridge BR3 as shorted.
-18 Fuse F1 and Test Point TP1 - CPU Controlled Lamp Power.
The -49 power supply used on Kiss, Future Spa and Space Invaders had a more robust CPU controlled lamp circuit on the rectifier power supply board. This happened because these three games had more CPU controlled lamps than other pre-1981 games (thanks to an Auxiliary lamp driver board used in these three games). Instead of using a VJ248 8 amp bridge rectifier to convert the AC transformer voltage to DC, these games used two "Positive Center Tapped Silicon Rectifiers 30A (15A per Diode)", or "VARO Dual Diode Rectifiers". Unfortunately these are no longer available (though sometimes they can be found from NTE under part numbers NTE6200, NTE6202, NTE6206, NTE6208 or NTE6210). If the -49 power supply shows no voltage at TP1 and the fuse F1 is good (or keeps blowing), chances are good either one or both VARO dual rectifiers are bad. First check for the AC voltage by putting a DMM leads on the metal case of each of the two VARO rectifiers (aka E9 and E10). About 9 to 10 volts AC should be seen. If test point TP1 shows low or no DC voltage, one or both of the VAROs is bad. Since the dual diode VARO is no longer available, the pair can be replaced with a single modern 35 amp 200 volt wire lead bridge rectifier. This will actually give a slightly more robust rectification (35 amps versus the original 30 amps), and the modern style wire lead bridge is readily available for under $5.
Replacing the -49 VAROs with a Single Bridge Rectifier.
Make sure it's a three prong cord. If someone cut off the third prong, replace the cord and/or the plug. The third GREEN wire goes to the line interface filter. That's the small silver box in the bottom of the cabinet (see below).
The Varistor.
The line filter is the next thing connected to the power cord. It's a small silver box that prevents the game from making line noise (which could be "heard" by other products like stereos). Not much to go wrong here, but occassionally these go bad and short.
On/Off Switch.
The rectifier board takes AC voltage from the transformer and converts it to unfiltered DC voltage. Bally used three different rectifier board in thier games from 1977 to 1985. The part number is silk screened right on the printed circuit board. Prior to Xenon (late 1980), the actual power supply is in the backbox (head) of the game. It's usually located in the lower right corner (as facing the game). It comprises a large transformer, a silver platform, and a smallish printed circuit board known as the rectifier board. Most of the game fuses are located on the rectifier board (there is usually at least one playfield fuse too).
The -54 power module was used starting with Xenon. The -132 power module was used on Baby Pacman and Granny and the Gators. These two power modules are largely the same with some minor changes. Like -54 uses 3 amp diodes for CR5-CR8, where -132 uses 6 amp diodes. Better heat dissipation with the 6 amp diodes, and can retrofit a -54 with 6 amp diodes at CR5-CR8. The -54 has single fuse (F5) for the GI circuit, where the -132 breaks the circuit into two strings with two fuses (F5,F6). Should still be able to use a -132 in a -54 machine. I don't suggest using a -54 in a -132 game though, as the GI circuits are heavily used in those two games - the GI circuit is used for the zero cross for the CPU controlled lamps, so blowing a GI fuse will also take out the CPU controlled lamps on Baby Pac/Granny.
How the Power Supply Works. If there is a AS2518-49 rectifier board, this works identical to the above described AS2518-18 model. The only difference being there's no 7.8 vac and no bridge BR1. Instead, 9.2 vac comes from the transfomer, and is converted to 6.5 vdc by two heat-sinked 200 volt 30 amp voltage regulators. It works exactly the same as the previous model, and has the same pin out (except for one extra pin on J1), but has a beefier +5 volt output.
Due to the age of these games, I can almost guarantee that the .156" connector header pins on the rectifier board are at least slightly brown (regardless of the generation of power supply used). If this is the case, these pins are acting like more like resistors than connector pins. These should be replaced with new header pins. And likewise, the female terminal pins in the connector housings should also be replaced with new Molex Trifurcon pins (only use Trifurcon pins, as they have more pin surface area, and last longer). Make sure both are replaced! Replacing only the header pins or the housing pins will make the new part brown in a short time (wasting time and money). See the Connector web page for more details on these connector pins.
Trifurcon Connector Pins.
Check Rectifier Connector J3 Pins 8,17.
Bridge Rectifiers, Diodes, Voltage Rectifiers. On the AS2818-49 rectifier board, bridge BR1 is replaced with two voltage regulators. These are R712, which are 200 volt, 30 amp devices. This rectifier board design is heavier duty then the AS2818-18 model.
Note that the 49 vac that is converted to 43 vdc also has a varistor mounted in it's circuit too. The varistor will short if more than about 55 volts goes through it, when will instantly blow a fuse. This is an over-voltage protection.
Power Supply "Test Points" (TP). If getting a voltage below the above value ranges, that associated bridge rectifier is probably bad and needs to be replaced. If TP4 is out of limits, the transformer may need to be replaced! TP4 is an AC voltage that doesn't get converted to DC, and hence doesn't have a bridge rectifier.
Check the Rectifier Board Fuse Clips (HOT fuses!). The high amp fuses on the rectifier board show this problem the most. These fuses will get hot the quickest, and can generate a lot of heat. Once the fuse clips get hot and discolor, they must be replaced to fix this problem. Tin plated brass fuse clips work fine for low current and low voltage fuses. But for high current and/or high voltage circuits, use tin plated beryllium copper fuse clips (actually it's a good idea to just use tin plated beryllium copper fuse clips for all the fuses).
First Upgrade: #47 Light Bulbs instead of #44. Number 47 lamps are a 150 mA (0.945 watt) lamp, where #44's are 250 mA (1.575 watts) lamp. The difference between the two lamps is 100 mA (.63 watts). If there are 75 of these bulbs, having #44's installed is like adding a 50 watt light bulb to the game. The additional power consumption uses more produces more heat and strain on the connectors and plastic game parts.
Replacement Rectifier Boards.
Rectifier Board Upgrades for AS2518-18 / AS2518-49 and Stern.
Bridges can fail from heat fatique. Installing a heat sink increases the surface area of the bridge, allowing it to cool easier. It really is a good idea as any bridge installed will get hot. At minimum BR1 definately needs a heat sink. Aluminum transistor heat sinks are available at Radio Shack part #276-1363 or #276-1368. They bolt right to the top of the bridges. The 276-1368 model uses a 4-40 screw (not included). Make sure to buy some heat sink compound (Radio Shack part# 276-1372) too. This aids in the heat transfer from the bridge to the heat sink. It is required! Just spread a thin layer on the top of the bridge before bolting down the heat sink. Get one heat sink per bridge. Note it's a lot easier to install the heat sink BEFORE soldering the bridge in place.
After doing all the previous rectifier board modifications, test your work right on the bench, without installing the power supply back into the game. To do this requires only a power cord, and two alligator clip wires. Connect the two alligator clip wires to connector J2, pins 6 and 7 on the rectifier board. Then connect the other end of each aligator clip to a 110 volt power cord. When plugging the line cord into the wall, the power supply will be turned on. Then test the rectifier board's "test points" for proper voltages. The voltages may be slightly different than previously dicussed above, since there is no load on the power supply. No load can cause voltages to vary somewhat. Connect the black (negative) lead of a DMM multi-meter to R1 or R2's lead closest to the fuses. This is approximately the readings that should be seen:
If the voltages seen are drastically different than the above, check your work. Also check resistors R1 (600 ohms) and R2 (25 ohms). Test your work with the power supply installed in the game. Just hook up connector J2 (only!), and leave J1 (playfield power) and J3 (logic board power) disconnected. Turn the game on and check the voltages as described above. Having the J1 and J3 connectors removed will isolate the power supply from the rest of the game.
Power Supply AS2518-54 Rectifier Board Upgrades. The replacement diodes should be a 6A50 (6 amp, 50 volt or higher) diodes (games Eight Ball Deluxe and later were fitted with this size diodes). Higher voltage diodes can be used too, like a 6A2 or 6A200 (6 amp, 200 volt) or even 6A4 (6 amp 400 volts). Radio Shack sells a decent replacement, part number 276-1661. Also, 1N4004 or 1N4007 diodes could be used, but this is not recommended! The amp rating on 1N4004/1N4007 diodes is only 1 amp, compared to the 6 amp diodes that should be used.
Here is a list of the rectifier board fuses. This applies to all generations of Bally power supplies from 1977 to 1985.
Bridge Rectifiers and Fuses That Always Blows.
Fuse F4 - The Playfield Solenoids Don't Work. After getting +43 vdc at TP5, then check power supply connector J1 pin 6. This brown wire goes directly to the playfield flipper coils. If there is +43 volts at the connector, but not at the brown wire on the flipper coils, there is a problem in the wiring. Here's a breakdown of where the 43 volts goes on most games:
Also note +43 volts on some games is used on the early A8 sound board (Lost World to Dolly Parton). A problem on this sound board (or a bad connector there) can cause problems. Though some sounds boards do not use the 43 volts, the wiring may still be present that brings 43 volts to the sound board. Remove the sound board connectors for testing purposes. If the game is not getting the 7th MPU LED flash, that means +43 volts is missing. After checking all the above, verify there is +43 vdc on the MPU board on the left (connector) side of R113. Now check the right side of R113. If no voltage there, then replace R113 (2k, 1/4 watt) and retest. If still no voltage, there may be battery corrosion damage in this area of the MPU board.
Fuse F5 - General Illumination (G.I.) Fuse Woes. First, a good idea is to purchase a clip-on circuit breaker. Instead of replacing the F5 fuse for each test "power on", the circuit breaker can be reset and reused. This is great for G.I. problems and saves lots of money on fuses. Just clip the breaker onto the rectifier board's fuse clips with alligator test leads. A mini circuit breaker can be purchased from any lighting store. To issolate the G.I. problems: Each time plug J1/J2/J3 is removed, that part of the G.I. circuit is removed. What ever plugs are left connected are the wiring sections being tested. If the short is in the cabinet wiring, this is easy to fix. Just examine the coin door lamps. If the backbox wiring is the problem, this too is fairly easy to examine. A very common problem here is the ground braid that connects the head to the backbox. This can bunch up and touch one of the lamp sockets on the back side of the insert (display) panel (when the insert panel is closed). Unfortunately the playfield G.I. is the most troublesome section. Now that the offending section (playfield!) has been isolated, it is time to further isolate which strand of lamps has the problem. There are two G.I. lines in the game- red/white wires, and orange/green wires. Now find a strand (either one), and de-solder one of the lead wires to the strand (thus taking the strand out of circuit). If there is a double wire (double green, orange, red, white) on the strand, be sure to keep the double wire connected together once it's removed from the strand. This lets other strands "downstream" continue to have power. The basic idea is to disconnect a strand, power up, watch the fuse (or breaker), and repeat until you find the offending strand. It's never easy or quick to find a problem like this, but this is about the only way to systematically find the short without pulling out every bulb or looking at every socket/wire. 2d. Before Turning the Game On: Upgrading the Voltage Regulator/Solenoid Driver Board.
After power leaves the rectifier board, it goes to the voltage regulator/solenoid driver board. There the 12 volts DC logic voltage is smoothed using a filter capacitor, known as C23. It is then regulated down to +5 volts which is the blood for the MPU board. Capacitors are partly a mechanical device that wear out with time. When "leaky" (the term used when a cap is worn out), they do not smooth the DC voltage properly. The electrolyte used in these capacitors dries out with time, usually after 10 years. When the +5 volts (which powers all the logic boards in the game) is not smooth, this can cause random and unpredictable game problems (most likely game resets randomly or during play).
Filter caps are designed to last about 10 years. So that means ALL Bally games from 1977 to 1985 should have their C23 filter capacitor replaced. Replace the filter cap with any value from 10,000 mfd to 15,000 mfd at 20 volts or higher. If the game has just two flippers, 10,000 or 12,000 mfd will work find. If the game has more than two flippers, use 15,000 mfd. "Computer grade" caps work well and are inexpensive. Snap-caps also work very well and usually less expensive. Digikey sells a nice 12,000 mfd 25 volt radial "snap cap", part number P6575-ND that works very well. They also sells a 15,000 mfd 35 volt radial snap cap capacitor, part number P6425-ND. Both caps are about the correct size and well suited for this task. I don't suggest going higher than 15,000 mfd though, because it puts unneccesary strain on the bridge rectifier from charging the capacitor when the game is turned on. On games with two flippers 12,000 mfd is just fine. But games with more than two flippers I personally like to use a 15,000 mfd cap for a replacement. Also these caps are "radial" and not "axial" style. They can be soldered directly to the solenoid driver board, but I do not recommend it. Instead, mount these new caps just like the original Bally cap, flat to the circuit board with nylon ties to secure it. Then run jumper wires from the cap leads to the circuit board. This will prevent vibration from cracking the cap's solder joints, causing the game to have intermittent problems. After installing the new C23 capacitor, test your work. To do this, remove connector J4 from the MPU board (this is the connector which provides power to the MPU board). Also if the game has a sound board, remove the large connector on the sound board. Power the game up, and put a DMM set to low AC volts on both leads of the new C23 capacitor. Less than .250 AC volts should be seen. Also measure +5 volts DC too at this point, with your DMM set to DC. (Black DMM lead on GND, red DMM lead on TP1 or TP3 on the Solenoid Driver Board). This voltage should be in the 4.9 to 5.3 volt DC range. Now turn the game off and replace the removed connectors. Again test the AC voltage across the C23 cap, and again less than .250 AC volts should be seen.
There is a design problem on the voltage regular and solenoid driver board's ground lines. The ground comes from the power supply to the solenoid driver board, goes through the filter cap and voltage regulator, and then leaves the board through a connector and goes back to the power supply. It then turns around and comes back from the power supply, through the connectors, and back to the solenoid driver board. This puts unnecessary strain on the board's connectors and header pins. It can also give unreliable game play. On newer (about 1979 and later) Voltage Regulator/Solenoid Driver boards, when looking at the solder side of the board, there's a wide ground trace that runs right below the negative plate-through hole for the C23 capacitor. For these newer Voltage Regulator/Solenoid Driver boards, on the solder side jump a piece of wire from the negative lead of capacitor C23 (the large filter cap we replaced above), to the thick trace right below it. This takes the presure off the connectors, stopping J3 pin 10 on the solenoid board from burning. This mod essentially makes a bigger ground path for the 5vdc regulator circuit. Early (pre-1979) Voltage Regulator/Solenoid Driver boards do not have a ground trace as conveniently located as the later boards. So for older boards, on the solder side, jump a wire from the negative lead of capacitor C23 (the large filter cap we replaced above) directly to connector J3 pins 18-22 (pins 18 to 22 are all connected together). NOTE: do NOT do this modification to Baby Pacman's Voltage Regulator/Solenoid Driver boards! Baby Pacman uses a unique version of these boards which is similar, but not exactly the same.
The ground for capacitor C26 in the high voltage circuit is also poor needs a small modification. Without the mod, C26's ground feeds through J3 pin 3, which can burn and result in loss of ground. On the solder side of the driver board, run a short wire from the negative lead of C26 to the nearby ground. This takes the stress off of connector J3 pin 3. It also ties the C26's ground to the Q23's ground and the rest of the high voltage circuit.
To take the stress off the solenoid ground connector at J3 pins 23-24, run a short wire from J3 pins 23-24 to the ground foil of the solenoid driver board. Note that the +5 ground connection at J3 pins 18-22 and the solenoid ground connection at J3 pins 23-24 are generally *not* tie together. This is because any solenoid ground resistance could effect the +5V circuit when the solenoids fire (although I do not have any facts to back this up, it's just better to isolate the +5V circuit as much as possible). But I would note I have seen one generation of the Solenoid Driver board where infact all pin 18-24 were tied together. Yet Bally seemed to changed their mind on this issue, and again separted pin 18-22 and 23-24. Note on the solenoid driver board, if the 5 volt LM323 regulator does not have a good path from its metal case to ground, you'll get about 1.6V at TP1.
There is also a design problem on the voltage regular and solenoid driver board's +5 volts. Like ground, the 5 volts does a "turn around" at the solenoid driver board through the connectors. Just like the ground line, this puts unnecessary strain on the board's connectors and header pins at solenoid driver board's J3. It can give unreliable game play. To correct this problem, add a wire from TP1 to TP3. Jump these either on the solder or component side of the board. In the picture above, I jumped them on the component side for clarity. But jumpering on the solder side looks a bit neater. This mod helps saves connector J3 pins 13-25 on the solenoid board. WARNING 1: be careful and make sure you have NOT connected TP5 to TP3, instead of TP1 to TP3. TP5 is right above TP1 on the solenoid driver board, and TP5 is 12 volts unregulated from the transformer's regulator board. If TP5 is accidentally connected to TP3, this will pass 12 volts down the TP1/TP3 regulated 5 volt buss, essentially ruining chips on the MPU board at minimum, and possibly the lamp driver board score displays and solenoid driver board. WARNING 2: do NOT do this modification to Baby Pacman's Voltage Regulator/Solenoid Driver boards! Baby Pacman uses a unique version of these boards which is similar, but not exactly the same. Tying TP1 to TP3 will short the unregulated 12 volts to ground.
On the Voltage Regulator/Solenoid Driver board, connector J3 can often be over stressed and burned. In particular, connector J3 pins 10-12 (orange wire, +5 volts) and J3 pins 13-17 (white wire with a brown trace, ground) are often burned. If any of these pins are even slightly brown, both the header pins and the connector pins should be replaced. Trifurcon replacement pins are highly recommended.
Are Solenoid Driver board AS2518-16 and AS2518-22 Interchangable?
Transformer to Rectifier Board Wiring (Pre-Xenon).
2e. Before Turning the Game On: Upgrading the Ground on the MPU Board.
Newer Games with Foil Covered Cardboard Ground in the Backbox. To fix this, run a wire (daisy chain) to one metal bracket on each of the backbox circuit boards. Then connect this wire to a metal "real" ground in the cabinet. Also make sure the green solder mask on each circuit board is not insulating a circuit board from the metal mounting bracket. 2f. Before Turning the Game On: Pre Power-On Voltage Checks.
Remove Connector J1 and J3 from the
Power Supply's Regulator Board.
If any of these voltages are out, rebuild the power supply as described above.
Remove Connectors J1,J2,J5 and HV Fuse from the Solenoid Driver Board. Now power the game on, and test the voltages to make sure they are Ok. First test the HV power at the solenoid driver board's GND and TP2 test points with a DMM. About 160 to 190 volts DC should be seen. If it is more than 190 volts, check TP4 and GND. If TP2 and TP4 are about the same voltage (around 230 volts), the high voltage section of the solenoid driver board is blown. This must be repaired *before* the HV fuse can be reinstalled. Also test all the voltages at the rectifier board again, and verify they are within range.
Check the AC Ripple on the Solenoid Driver Board's C23 Capacitor. Before connecting the J4 power connector on the MPU board, check for AC ripple on the solenoid driver board's big C23 capacitor. This capacitor takes full wave rectified 12 volts DC from the rectifier board's bridge and makes it smooth. If this cap is bad, it will not be giving the MPU board good smooth DC voltage. To test do this:
AC voltage of less than .250 volts AC should be seen in the tests above. Note we test the C23 cap first without power to the MPU board (so not to ruin the MPU board if there is a problem with the +5 volts). Then we re-measure the AC ripple again with power to the MPU board (that is, under "load", which gives a better indication of real-world conditions.) If any more than .250 volts AC is seen then C23 is not doing its job and needs to be replaced. Though up to .250 volts AC is probably OK for most situations, really any capacitor showing more than .200 volts AC is on the way out and should be replaceed. If the game has an Alltek MPU board, .200 volts AC is the maximum (the Alltek is much more sensitive to AC ripple). Also the +5 volts DC should be in the 4.9 to 5.3 volt DC range. If it's outside of this range, fix that problem before going any further. Damage to to the MPU board can results if the +5 volts is not in this range (and if there's too much AC ripple). Remember electrolytic capacitors usually only last about 10 years - after this the electrolyte dries up and the capacitor does not do its job. The replacement procedure is described above. Though the original cap is about 11,000 mfd at 20 volts, any value can be used from 10,000 mfd to 18,000 mfd at 20 volts or greater. The important part is the capacitor is new. The actually MFD rating is less important (as long as it is in the 10,000 to 18,000 mfd range). Personally I use 12,000 mfd on games with two flippers, and 15,000 mfd on games with more than two flippers.
Cut the MPU's Battery off the Board! 2g. Before Turning the Game On: Connectors.
Inspect the Connectors. The connectors ruined most often are those on pre-Xenon Bally and all Stern games on the transformer's rectifier board. Often the long 20 pin .156" connector J3 is badly tarnished or even burned, especially at pin 8 (orange wire). Because of this it is a good idea to have a 20 pin .156" connector housing handy and some Trifurcon terminal pins. Also look at the solenoid driver board's J3 connector (a .100" style connector). The orange wire in particular at J3 pin 12 likes to burn. Have a 25 pin .100" connector housing handy for this connector, along with some .100" terminal pins. If the connectors are IDC (Insulation Displacement) style the housing will need to be replaced if any terminal pin is replaced.
Molex makes a crimp-on .156" size female terminal pin called a "trifurcon" pin (not available in the .100" pin size). This style .156" pin differs from the "normal" pin; it has three wiper contacts instead of just one. The more contact points means the female pin "hugs" the male header pin with greater surface area. These are highly recommended. The specs for these pins can be viewed at http://www.molex.com/product/pcb/6838.html. Compares these to the "normal" connector pin specs at http://www.molex.com/product/pcb/2478.html. Note Molex sells these pins in "strips" or on a "reel". Do NOT buy connector pins this way! Always buy them in separated. It's just too difficult to cut them when they are in strips (sharp scissors do work pretty good for cutting them though). If a good job cutting them is not done, the pins will not insert into their plastic housing correctly. Also always get the tin plated version, NOT the gold plated pins.
Board Mounted Header Pins.
Connector Housings.
Polarized Pegs.
What Connectors Pins are Needed? 2h. Before Turning the Game On: Setting Free Play.
The only other DIP switch solution to free play is to have the MPU board jumpered for 2732 EPROMs and to burn a new U6 EPROM. Download the file bly2732.zip file and there are modified U6 files named "720Fxxxx.U6" (where "xxxx" varies for the game needed) for all the Bally games. This U6 EPROM file will allow free play using DIP switches 17 and 18 (on=freeplay). There is another solution though without having to put quarters in the game. This procedure outlines how to make the start button also work as a credit button too. When the start button is pressed, it automatically adds a credit, then starts the game (thus removing the just added credit). To do this double up the credit leaf switch with another leaf switch, which will add the credits. Parts Needed: Procedure: Now when the start button is pressed, a credit will first be added, and then the game will start and remove the just-added credit. This works especially great if there is no battery installed (hence unused credits are lost when the game is powered off). Otherwise additional unused credits will pile up from matches and replays, until the maximum credit limit is reached. If this is a problem, the match and replay can be disabled options via the dip switches.
* Go to the Bally Repair Guide Part 2 * Go to the Bally Repair Guide Part 3 * Go to the Pin Fix-It Index * Go to Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum at http://marvin3m.com |